Friday, June 25, 2010

Sorry Been MIA

Hello everyone!

Sorry for being so MIA but i've been enjoying the summer and working very very hard on finally completing Mail Order Groom.

The story was intended to be a a lot shorter, but looks at it'll be a bit longer.

Guess the main characters want to make their presence known so i'll go with what the muses are telling me to do.

All is well with the story. In fact going very well. Very proud of this story and hope that all of you will enjoy it one day.

I've grown a lot as a writer and thank not only my Critique Partners, especially my dear friend Jill Lieberman, but also the other authors and writers that i have gotten to know over the last two years. Thanks for your words of encouragement and ongoing optimism.

Before I head back into the writing cave, i wanted to say congrats to both Cari Quinn and my good friend Jamie Saare.

Both of them have stories released today from The Wild Rose Press.

Cari's story is called Ex-Appeal which is a follow up to her other story called Full Disclosure (also available from The Wild Rose Press)

It is available by clicking here.

And the awesome JA Saare's story is called Crimson Moon.

And it is available by clicking here

Enjoy the weekend!!


J.A. Saare / Aline Hunter said...

I LOVE the new layout! ;D Thanks for mentioning me too!! You're too sweet and I really appreciate it!

Also, huge props to Cari too! It's so wonderful to share a release day with her!

Shelly said...

Congrats to you both!!

Glad you like the new layout!!!